Here in Aussie we are in the early stages of Autumn, and just this week the temperature has finally begun to reflect that. It’s been hovering along the edges of slightly warm accompanied by lots of rain and clouds, and dipping now and then into shivers.
Nature is so amazing. Just as many of the trees begin to shed their leaves and the flowers die off so there is a lot less colour and dull winter threatens, there are pockets of brilliant glowing deep purple springing up all over, where the wonderful tippichina trees have burst into bloom. It’s as if Nature wants to spread some colour through the gloom that is gathering. Added to this the Camellia trees are coming into bud and here in my garden I have miniature camellia bushes already sprouting some delicate pale pink flowers.
Early mornings are much cooler and it warms up a little for a time in the middle of the day. So this morning … the first day off for a week … I took the opportunity to snuggle under the covers for a while and read a good book before getting up to face the day. You know how nice it is to wander around in the warm dressing gown and bed socks and settle with a cup of fragrant coffee in the sun to read a good book.
While I sat there one of the two resident kookaburras .. I’ve christened them Bib and Bub from a famous series of children’s stories about the gumnut babies .. flew onto the gate and began to scan for breakfast. As I watched he swooped down grabbed something and gave it a sharp flicking shake before raising his head and swallowing. He’s fat as mud, an indication of good pickings for birds after all the rain lately.
Well, I’ve had the whole morning to myself, successfully avoiding all pending tasks and now guilt is creeping in to push me back to reality. I’ll go soon to do the tasks but I think I’ll also buy myself a loaf of hot fresh bread to have later smothered in butter and dipped in wonderful hot creamy pumpkin soup.
Later today I will work on my writing. Some for this blog and some for the writing group six of us budding writers have just formed. This is not a task as such but an enjoyment. I think it’s going to be a wonderful group. The women in the group are all very talented and I’m sure will one day be published authors.
Hope you are all having a great day out there as I am here.
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