Sunday, 10 June 2012

Rainy Days PJs and Ponjos

Reading a post on Facebook this morning  of YD bemoaning the fact that on this wet cold miserable day today she was  planning a  lovely ‘stay at home in the PJs and dressing gown with movies and some tasks etc.’ day til she found she had to go out and brave the weather to get printer ink.  A friend then advised her to get a Ponjo – later corrected to a Poncho  - as you can disguise the PJs and other issues under it without getting changed.  YD did then reluctantly -minus Ponjo - go for the printer ink and came home got back in the PJs and with wet hair curled up on the lounge, snacks to hand and settled back to enjoy her day.

All this reminded me of a Saturday Mother’s day eve about 6-7 years ago. YD,  R.  and I wanted take away for tea but the other two wouldn’t go.  You’d think it being almost mother’s day they would.  But no!!  lazy sods left it to me.  I wasn’t dressed well [understatement of the year} – I had odd bed socks and black, white-cat hair covered trackie-daks  on and it was a bit cold.  So I rooted around in the cupboard and extracted an old oversized pink jumper.  I hummed and ha-ad about my face – no makeup – and I rarely go out without some makeup –don’t want to scare little children do we and have to keep the image up – but decided I would only be out of the car for about 4 minutes and who would see me really??.  After asking for an opinion about whether I looked OK and getting reassurances from 2 people who barely looked at me  I set off.

Driving to the shop I got into a car smash – banged my head on the side window probably out for a couple of seconds – no-one came to help and I finally managed to stutter my way off the road in the car with one wheel wobbly and scraping.

Upshot was I called the 2 to come and help. Organized the insurance and a tow etc. and YD decided I should go to the hospital GP-after-hours-service because my head was bleeding.  This was the point that I did a quick squiz of my attire and found I looked like a bag lady. I finally agreed to reassurances that no-one I know would see me and after all I had been in a car accident. The old adage “It doesn’t matter about clean underwear  - if you’ve been  run over by a bus your underwear is going to change colour anyway” comes to mind.

So off we set to the hospital.  We sat for a time in the waiting room with YD laughing hysterically at my mortification of having on 2 odd bed socks, cat hair covered track pants and a large grubby pink jumper with food stains and a hole in it, not to mention that I looked as if I had been dragged through a bush backwards .  Eventually we were  ushered into the GP. whose name I recognized as a Doctor who had been referring people to see me for therapy for the last few years but whom I had never met.  My hope that he wouldn’t recognize my name was soon dashed  -[ bright man – he is a Doctor after all so what would you expect] - as he realized who I was and we had a little friendly chat with me trying to hold the shreds of my dignity together by pretending in my mind that I was properly dressed with at least a little makeup on.  

Despite the damage to my dignity and, I felt to my reputation as a professional woman, there was no serious damage to my person.  So we set off home  still without the take away.

And this folks is why to this day no matter how short the trip I never go out without a little makeup on and reasonable dressed.  And I do have  a Ponjo – sorry Poncho  - type thing to wear but it only folds around like a cape so it would probably fall off at a crucial point and I would be back at square one.

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