Tuesday 15 April 2014


Recently I submitted a story to the ABC Open 500 Word Stories in the “First Memory” theme.  There was a word limit of 500 words so the story had to be brief.  In thinking of early memories I triggered a wonderful scrap of memory that I have replayed often since. I have written it here.

Memory is a funny thing. Some memories are visual and have a story others may be a brief moment in time or a scent, or a sound.  An early memory that has been visiting me lately and is almost like a meditation, is a moment in time.  I know it happened when I was very young and I know I am sitting in a rowboat while my dad rows us along lake Macquarie. I know that.  But I see  and experience a small part of that scene.  I watch over the side of the boat as the flipper shaped oar dips into the deep green water and pulls the boat forward, powered I know by my dad’s young strong arms. But I don’t see him. I see the oar pull through the water then rise up dripping  as it swings back to dip once more in the propelling and compelling rhythm  of the rowing.  I marvel at the deep green water and peer down to see if I can see the bottom.  I hear the lap of the water on the side of the wooden rowboat, and the smell of the wet wood and the bait and the salty water mixed together wafts gently over me.  I give myself over to the experience.


  1. Hi Margaret, I love the image you've painted of this memory. Your words awaken the sounds, smells, movements and colours in the mind. It's very peaceful and powerful and made me reflect on memory too. Thank you. Meredith

  2. thanks for sharing your comment Meredith. I an glad you can reflect on peaceful memories of your own.

  3. What a beautiful description of that memory. Can't believe I only got around to reading this now. I love how you remember everything about the boat and the movement but you can't picture your dad himself. Memory is a funny thing!


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